Cleaning technology of petrol stations tanks is based on the closed-loop technical detergent, which separates dirt from the inner surfaces of the tank and forming an unstable emulsion with petroleum product. The emulsion is subsequently divided into a working solution and oil product which, after passing through the purification system is returned to the customer, which significantly reduces the financial losses the owners of petrol stations.

The structure of the complexes is formed as a single unit with dimensions of 20 and 40 feet railroad container on the chassis. They are served by three operators (including the driver of the truck) and are able to completely clean the tank of petrol stations up to 5000 m3 in one working day. Before operating systems connected to a power source 380V. Power consumption of the complex of 60 kW.

Steps of the tank washing process using complex MKO-1000 are following:

  1. Preparation of complex and tank for work.
  2. Determining the existence of an unelected deposit, its pumping, filtration and pumping to the fuel tank.
  3. Washing the inner surfaces of the tank, pumping the emulsion and its division into fuel and working solution.
  4. Degassing the gas space of the tank to the working values.
  5. Posttreatment of the internal surfaces of the tank and a visual overview of the state of it.
  6. Return refined oil products to the customer.
  7. Checking the operation of the units of the tank.

Using the complex of the MKO-1000 in the washing of petrol station tank in compare to the conventional methods have the following advantages:

These technologies have been successfully used in the cleaning (washing) tanks of petrol stations in the Russian Federation. The services are rendered in more than 150 organizations and more than a thousand tanks cleaned in a total volume of 23 500 m3 (not counting large amounts of tanks at tank farms).

Upon completion of the cleaning petrol station tanks are issued to the customer acts on cleaning (washing) of tanks and evidence of the work undertaken.

Specialists of LLP "Caspian Eco Service" carry out the following activities:

Quality that meets the requirements of a high-tech content of the storage tanks of oil products - one of the components of the overall success of the fuel company. Transition to new technologies in the cleaning (washing) of the tanks offered by our organization achieves this.


Separation of hydrocarbon compounds from the surface in relation to cleaning (washing) of the tanks of petrol stations based on the invention of professionals holding company "Chistiy Mir M" ("Pure World M"), which is to use a closed-loop of detergent, forming an unstable emulsion with oil products. Feature of the process is a three-stage gravity separation of the emulsion on a solution for re-use and a two-step selection of the solution of mechanical particles.

The technology basis lies in the regeneration of the washing solution by phase separation of an emulsion to hydrocarbons, aqueous solution of detergent and mechanical particles and subsequent transmission: hydrocarbon for use for industrial purposes, an aqueous solution of detergent in the cleaning cycle and mechanical particles for manufacture (eg in the construction).

Technical result, which is an aim to achieve of the new technology is to improve the efficiency and stability of the process, reducing its duration, to increase the mobility of the production process of clearing.

As an detergent can be used all known compounds capable initially to emulsify hydrocarbons, and then de-emulsify by the phase separation of the emulsion components. Our company, together with the Institute of surfactants and defense industry companies, developed new versions of detergents, characterized by high demulsibility and washing ability compared to analogues. Obtained in process hydrocarbons, aqueous solution, and detergent do not require further purification or processing, which significantly reduces costs and improves efficiency of purification technology.

Surface cleaning is performed in three steps, taking into account physical and chemical characteristics of the solution and the hydrocarbons, which can significantly reduce the consumption of thermal and electrical energy, reduce the overall time of the process and make it continuous and accurate.

The process of cleaning the surfaces of the hydrocarbons occurs in the following sequence:

  1. The aqueous solution of detergent prepared in a vessel of sufficient size, is fed to the surface, where the physical and chemical surface is being cleaned, wherein the parameters of physical cleaning are chosen so that suits for all types of hydrocarbons, and the available stock tanks, varying only the processing time (9 minutes for light petroleum products up to 64 minutes for dark petroleum products) in a wide temperature range from + 5°C to +65°C.
  2. The resulting emulsion is returned to the tank, where it is a particle separated of the emulsion of the aqueous solution of detergent and gravity separation of coarse mechanical particles. Feeding emulsion is carried by ejector pump, which together with the emulsion captures even mechanical particles.
  3. The emulsion is applied to the gravitational maze and in each knee the hydrocarbons are separated from the aqueous solution of detergent, which is returned to the tank. Hydrocarbons and the aqueous solution of detergent residues with fed into the tank of the final separation of hydrocarbons after passing which contain no more than 3% water, which corresponds to standards.
  4. Complete cleaning of the aqueous solution from mechanical particles occurs in the filter system.

All received in the section components, returns to the cleaning cycle (aqueous solution) or (oil) is transmitted to other workflows without further processing or purification. Synchronization of action of physical, chemical and mechanical factors in the washing step can improve the efficiency of this complex process.

Monitoring the concentration of the aqueous solution (required concentration is determined in accordance with specifications for the specific detergent) is carried out by known electronic sensors pH. Control of physical and chemical parameters of hydrocarbons to simplify the process of washing for the different objects, optimize it by using high-tech methods of mechanical impact on the contaminated surface.

Coarse and fine divide of the emulsion into three constituent components can reliably and accurately identify for future use the hydrocarbons, an aqueous solution and mechanical particles, what is particularly important from an ecological point.

The technology of cleaning (washing) of the petrol station tanks is embodied in a mobile decontamination complex MKO-1000 (certificate of conformity №ROSS RU.GP17.A08515 Russian State Standard), developed and manufactured by the company "Chistiy Mir M" ("Pure World M"). Structurally, the complex is designed as a single unit on the chassis. It served by three operators (counting the driver of the truck) and are able to completely clean petrol station tank in one day. Before operating the complex is connected to the power supply 380V power 7.5kW.

The first stage of work on cleaning (washing) petrol station tank is pumping fuel by ejector pump to the level of unelected balance. Ideally prepared for cleaning capacity must not contain commodity fuel, it saves cleaning time. But if a certain amount of fuel is in the tank, it is pumped into one of the tanks of the complex, where the gravitational separation of the primary emulsion is formed by hydrocarbons, aqueous solution and mechanical particles.

In a second phase the actual washing of tank occurs. Aqueous solution with concentration of 1,5-4% under pressure of 0,8-1,0 MPa is supplied to the washing car. Injector machines rotate in two planes, the jet forms a solution within the tank sphere with diameter of 24 m, eroding sediments and separates them from the surface. Occur simultaneously pumping the mixture into a container for dirty solution. Full wash cycle is 15 minutes, if the contamination if high process is repeated. By the presence in the detergent corrosion inhibitor, an automatic is being processed anti-corrosion treatment inside the surface of the tank.

The third stage — degassing and drying the tank by forced ventilation.

If necessary, at the beginning of treatment if tank contains the number of commercial gasoline, comes the fourth stage of the work. During which purified fuel is pumped from the complex to the washed tank, thus is processed a two-stage filtering through a fabric and fluoroplastic filters.